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YY International Software
YY - Leading software engage people in real time: gaming, education, entertainment. YY is a revolutionary rich communication social platform that engages users in real-time online group activities through voice, text and video. With the capacity to support over one million participants concurrently, our platform allows users to create and organize groups of varying sizes to discover and participate in a wide range of online group activities, such as karaoke, online games, music concert, E-learning covering language, finance, software, and other subjects, live shows and conference calls. YY is the one of the only platforms that delivers high-quality voice and video, which offer users, a large scale community for social interactions and activities, ability to pursue diverse interests opportunities for self-expression and achievement, and high quality of user experience
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Пожалуйста, сообщите нам причину, по которой страница https://top100vk.com/group/58819280/ должна быть проверена.