Академический хор УрФУ им. Б.Н.Ельцина

Академический хор УрФУ им. Б.Н.Ельцина
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Группа Академический хор УрФУ им. Б.Н.Ельцина размещена в разделе Молодёжное движение. Официальный домен/сайт urfu_choir.

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Академический хор УрФУ им. Б.Н.Ельцина



Академический хор студентов УрФУ им. первого президента России Б.Н. Ельцина (Капелла УПИ, 1955 – 1993) был возрожден Светланой Долниковской в марте 2003 года. Коллектив состоит из 95 студентов, аспирантов и выпускников университета. С 2006 по 2013 годы студенческий хор завоевал шесть призов Гран – при международных хоровых конкурсов в Австрии, Италии, Чехии и России, 17 золотых, четыре серебряных, две бронзовых награды международного и всероссийского уровней. Academic students’ choir of the Ural Federal University (UPI Choir, 1955 - 1993) was recreated by Svetlana Dolnikovskaya in March 2003. Today the choir unites the students, graduate and post-graduate students from different institutions of the University. The choir is the constant participant of regional, All-Russian, international contests, festivals and master-classes The choir performs with solo concerts both in Russia and abroad. It gave concerts in the famous cathedrals and concert halls: International Center Vienna, «Otto Wagner - Kirche» in Vienna, in Paris Cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris, one of the oldest Paris church in Montmartre Eglise Saint-Pierre de Montmartre, Russian center of science and culture in Prague, Vega Hall (Takarazuka, Japan) and St. Petersburg State Academic Capella. The choir is a winner of the 6 Grand-Prix, 17 gold prizes, 4 silver and 2 bronze prizes of the international contest and festivals in Russia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Macedonia (FYROM) and Japan. The choir recorded three solo compact discs: «Alleluia» (2010), «Memories» (2011), “Face’s of Friends” Concertmaster of the choir – Oksana Suslova is the laureate of the All-Russian and International contests. Svetlana Dolnikovskaya, conductor Svetlana Dolnikovskaya is a well-known musician of the Ural region of Russia. She grew up and received musical education in Ekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk, USSR). Being a talented conductor she inherited the traditions of the Russian choir school. Bright personal inner world, creative and unusual interpretations of very popular compositions, emotional richness all these are the qualities of Svetlana Dolnikovskaya performing manner which attracts the attention of the choir music lovers and professional musicians. In July 2009 Svetlana Dolnikovskaya was awarded with a special prize and diploma «The Best conductor» of the International Youth Choral Festival in Bratislava (Slovakia) and a special prize of Mayor of City Vienna for best choir of the 38. International Youth Music Festival «Youth and Music in Vienna» in Vienna (Austria).


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