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+ This Is Child`s Play + ЧАКИ + CHUCKY +
Сериал закрыт. Новый фильм о Чаки начнут снимать в 2025-м году.
Фан-клуб Фионы Дуриф. He Said, " Hi there, ain't I lucky? Pleased to meet ya, call me Chucky." "I'll always be your very Bestest Friend." "You know pals are hard to come by, But you'll find that I'm a Good Guy Who'll stick with you until the very end." Then much to my surprise, he rolled his head and he blinked his eyes So I took him home to be my very own. And things were really goin' swell 'til my Auntie slipped and fell and Chucky laughed and said, "Now we're alone!" C-H-U-C-K-Y, Don't you come out and play? Listen up fool, I'll tell you why, 'Cause Chucky's bad, that ain't no lie. Chucky, Chucky Go away! You're too rough when you play! Over in a corner now, peek-a-boo! Hidee-Hidee-Ha-Ha I see you! Well things started gettin' stranger, And the TV warned of danger And Chucky said that he was really bummed. Cause it isn't very funny bein' treated like a dummy. So I went and gave that little guy a hug. But he pushed me away and said, \"I'm sick of this Child's Play! No more Mister Good Guy from now on!\" Then I got really scared, 'Cause he jumped straight up in the air, And laughed and started cursin' up a storm. C-H-U-C-K-Y, Don't you come out and play? Fee-Fee-fi-fi-fo-fo-fum, My name's Chucky, And here I come. Chucky, Chucky go away, And don't come back another day. Eeine-Meeney-Miney-Mo, My name's Chucky, And here I go! Boy was it a mess! Chucky said he'd been possessed! But my Mommy said that He was off his rocker. So I asked my pal the shrink, Just to see what he would think. And the doctor said the whole case was shocking. Well Chucky finally met his match, And it all ended in a flash. Now he won't be back to Terrorize the people. This is the end my friend, On that you can depend But you never know, There still might be a sequel... C-H-U-C-K-Y, Don't you come out and play? Listen up fool, I'll tell you why, Cause Chucky's bad, That ain't no lie. Chucky, Chucky Go away! You're too rough when you play! Over in a corner, Now peek-a-boo! Hidee-Hidee-Ha-Ha I see you! C-H-U-C-K-Y, Don't you come out and play? Fee-Fee-fi-fi-fo-fo-fum, My name's Chucky, baby here I come. Olly, Olly, Oxen free! Damballa Morte Three Three Here I come, now Ready or Not! And I'm gonna get you no matter what! Mommy says you practice Voodoo! Who do? You do practice Voodoo! Threefe Morte Oh Damballa, Gimme, gimme, gimme, power! Chucky, Chucky It's the end! Gee, I thought you were my friend! Hidee-Hidee-Ha-Ha-Ha, My name's Chucky And I'm a Star! Chucky, Chucky Don't you lie! Cross your heart And hope to die! I see you laughin', You think it's funny, Well, I'll show you who's the real dummy. C-H-U-C-K-Y, Don't you come out and play? Listen up fool, I'll tell you why, Cause Chucky's bad, That ain't no lie. C-H-U-C-K-Y Don't you come out and play! Over in a corner, now Peek-a-boo! Hidee-Hidee-Ha-Ha I see you! C-H-U-C-K-Y, Won't you come out and play?
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