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Ideas worth spreading
Dear Everybody, Now, that TEDxKimep 2014 has taken place, we would like to thank all of you for coming on that frosty saturday morning! We were delighted to return TEDx back to Kimep after almost 4 years! We would also like to apologies for any inconvinience and misorganisation occured during the preparation stage and the event itself. We were trying our best for creating a smooth atmosphere, but we did it for the first time and we were lack of essential experience! We hope that you enjoyed participating and performances of our great speakers despite of everything, and we promise to do much more and much better next time! Very soon, we will share photos and videos from our event, as for now, keep the good work up and stay with us! Cheers!) What TED celebrates is a power of imagination, it is a global community, devoted to spreading and sharing innovative ideas and vibrant life experience of people from various spheres, disciplines and cultures. Just like as a human mind, TED has infinite opportunities and no boundaries. We are happy to introduce a new session of TEDx in Kimep! We would like to give a word to great local minds, who have experience, passion and ideas of a better world – ideas worth spreading! For more information about TED and TEDx, please have a look at the following links: TED Global: www.ted.com TEDx: https: www.ted.com/about/programs-initiatives/tedx-program
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