Skala Electric Shock Shield
Skala lightweight counteracting electric shock shield with optional protection against flammable liquids is designed to deliver non-lethal impact on a perpetrator with a series of high-voltage electric pulses when he comes into direct contact with the shield deployed in combination with an electric shock device in open spaces and in rooms.
For more information about the Skala Electric Shock Shield visit Rosoboronexport official website ( The product link:
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"Antey-4000" (S-300V4) air defense missile system
Build your defence strategy with "Antey-4000" (S-300V4) air defense missile system with its high tactical and technical characteristics.
#ROE #Rosoboronexport #strongsupport #Antey4000 #ADMS #S300V4 #airdefencemissilesystem #С300В4
TIGR Armoured Vehicles Demonstration at the Shop Floor
Part 1: Basic TIGR VPK-233136 Armoured Vehicle
This is the first part of the online demonstration of the TIGR VPK-233136 armoured vehicle made at the manufacturing facility.
The family of TIGR armoured vehicles includes a big assortment of multi-purpose vehicles that can be used in different situations for a variety of missions including patrol, convoy, fire support, search and rescue, etc. They combine such features as good protection, high mobility, outstanding cross-country performance that ensure safe and quick transportation of personnel, VIPs, cargoes and equipment.
In this video we show you the basic version of the TIGR VPK-233136, get inside to see the interior and even have a look at the elements of its chassis.
For modifications and other models of the TIGR armoured vehicles wait for Part 2 that is to be released next week.
For more information about the TIGR VPK-233136 armoured vehicle visit Rosoboronexport official website ( The product link:
#ROE, #Rosoboronexport, #strongsupport, #landforces, #armouredvehicle, #4x4, #AWD, #TIGR, #specialpurpose
"Tor-E2" is the latest mobile multi-channel short-range ADMS with a large ammunition load of anti-aircraft guided missiles. This modification combines all the advantages of the previous ones.
#ROE, #Rosoboronexport, #strongsupport, #Tor-E2, #ADMS, #ShortrangeADMS, #airdefencemissilesystem
Rosoboronexport at IDEX-2021
We welcome you to attend Russian exhibition venues at IDEX-2021 in Abu-Dhabi!
#roeatidex2021 #rosoboronexportnovelties #welcometoidex #idex2021 #russiainuae #russiaatidex #defenceexhibition #defenceexpo #russianvenue #russianmic
Typhoon-K armoured vehicles
Typhoon-K armoured vehicles have been developed according to the requirements of the Russian Ministry of Defence on 4x4 and 6x6 chassis. They are mine-resistant and designed to protect manpower and equipment against small arms, explosives and toxic agents.
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For technical specifications and product purchase details feel free to contact us at
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