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Welcome to the Official NYPD VK Page.
Our VK page shares with you our latest news, information, crime prevention tips, and ways you can get involved to work with the NYPD to continue making our city safe. There are many ways you can get involved- “like” our page and posts, share our stories and pictures, participate in the events and programs we list, and leave comments and feedback. We welcome your comments and suggestions. The site is monitored by NYPD personnel and we reserve the right to remove inappropriate or offensive content. We do not endorse any advertisements that may appear on this page. *ALWAYS report crimes in progress and other emergencies to 911, and non-life-threatening situations to 311.* New York City Social Media Customer Use Policy: http://www.nyc.gov/html/misc/html/social_media_policy.html USEFUL LINKS: JOIN the Finest! For more information about becoming a New York City Police Officer, visit http://www.nypdrecruit.com/. (And NYPD Recruit on Facebook.) WATCH our videos - "Inside the NYPD" video podcasts, select police operations and more are on http://www.youtube.com/insidenypd. FIND your local precinct via http://www.nyc.gov/html/nypd/html/precinct_maps/precinct_finder.shtml , or see a list, http://www.nyc.gov/html/nypd/html/home/precincts.shtml for Precincts, Police Service Areas and Transit Districts. SUBMIT TIPS anonymously to http://www.nypdcrimestoppers.com/. PROGRAMS for YOUTH from NYPD Community Affairs, http://www.nyc.gov/html/nypd/html/community_affairs/youth_programs.shtml, and the Police Athletic League - http://www.palnyc.org/. SUPPORT the New York City Police Foundation via http://www.nycpolicefoundation.org/. LEARN about NYPD history and visit the NYC Police Museum, http://www.nycpolicemuseum.org/. FILE a complaint through the Civilian Complaint Review Board - http://www.nyc.gov/html/ccrb/. WRITE a letter to the Police Commissioner's office via http://www.nyc.gov/html/mail/html/mailnypd.html. (Send us private messages, and your favorite NYPD-related snapshots, via Facebook!) FOLLOW NYPDNews on Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/nypdnews.
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