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Australian Sky & Telescope - Issue 133, Sep/Oct 2021 Overview: Australian Sky & Telescope is a world-class magazine about the science and hobby of astronomy, specifically produced for the Southern Hemisphere. It caters for everyone with an interest in space and astronomy, from the absolute beginner to the seasoned observer.

The Economy (Intelligence Unit) - Going digital Payments in the post-Covid world 2021 Overview: We are the research and analysis division of The Economist Group, the sister company to The Economist newspaper. The Economist (Intelligence Unit) - Time To Take Gum Disease Seriously (2021) Overview: We are the research and analysis division of The Economist Group, the sister company to The Economist newspaper.

Дебетовая карта для детей Тинькофф Джуниор всем хороша: бесплатная, очень красивая (и с разными дизайнами), но самое главное — она позволяет на практике показать ребенку, как управляться с деньгами. А родители смогут ненавязчиво контролировать детские траты 🍬 Оставьте заявку на Тинькофф Джуниор на сайте:

📚Go Where There Is No Path: Stories of Hustle, Grit, Scholarship, and Faith For all who dare to go off the beaten track, this is the inspirational, power-packed playbook for transforming your life and your world—from a young, Black social entrepreneur whose dorm-room tech startup has helped millions pay for college and access unprecedented opportunity. Gray, the son of a single working mother who had him at age fourteen, grew up in deep poverty in Birmingham, Alabama. An academic star, he had every qualification for attending a top college—except for the financial means. Desperate, Gray headed off the beaten path, searching online to apply for every scholarship he could find. His hustle resulted in awards of 1.3 million dollars and became his call to action to help other students win their own "schollys." It inspired him to start up Scholly, an app that matches college applicants with millions of dollars in outside scholarships that often go unclaimed. When he was a senior at Drexel University, he appeared on Shark Tank as CEO of Scholly. In the most heated fight in the show's history, the sharks challenged Gray as to whether his app was a charity or a profitable business. Both, he insisted, proposing a new paradigm for social entrepreneurship and netting deals from Lori Grenier and Daymond John. At the time Scholly's subscriber base was 90,000 users. Today the app has 4 million subscribers who have won scholarships totaling more than $100 million. Meanwhile, Gray—without help from the mostly all-white boy's club of Silicon Valley—has emerged as a tech startup superhero now tackling the crisis of student debt with innovative, unrivaled strategies. Gray's premise is that when you lead with the good—confronting issues such as poverty and racism—the money will follow. His story is proof that when you develop a mindset for success, you turn disadvantages into gold. And when you create opportunities for others, you enrich the marketplace for yourself too. Gray shows us, we can carve out new paths to better days and leave trails for others.

📚Every Night of the Week: Sanity Solutions For the Daily Dinner Grind Lucy has a special gift. Everything she touches turns to magical, sparkling loveliness.' Donna Hay Some days you want to cook; other days the goal is simply 'food in mouths'. Welcome to Every Night of the Week, a cookbook for people who don't like hard-and-fast recipes, by food and recipe writer, stylist and Instagram genie Lucy Tweed. MONDAY has potential. There are lists and ideas. The herbs are fresh and the fridge is full. TUESDAY the week has begun. Can we have efficient and beautifully delicious please? WEDNESDAY we wonder what day it is. Cook with a dash of laziness; it tastes great. THURS ... we're not even typing the full day anymore. What's in the freezer? What can we pimp? FRIDAY is family fun. 'Decorate' your own pizza, kids, or DIY san choy bau. Time to exhale. SATURDAY is the flex day, time to stretch the repertoire. Hmm, who's around for lunch? SUNDAY is for brunch and linner; two leisurely meals, eaten in absolute comfort. THAT EXTRA DAY YOU WISHED FOR is the secret day that will save your bacon Tues-Thurs. 'My signature dish is Lucy's recipe that she taught me in less than an hour. But don't tell anyone; I get a lot of compliments.' Wil Anderson

Science News - August 14, 2021 Overview: The most popular and up-to-date science news from various sources. Context to advancements in science worldwide. The latest contents of various science journals

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