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Группа problemchild размещена в разделе Другая музыка. Официальный домен/сайт fukproblemchild.

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hola fucker. my name is problemchild and i make music i guess lmao. i would describe my music as loud, ignorant and angry. im an angry fuck and i like to incorporate that into my music as well as i possibly can. my music contains my anxiety, paranoia, depression, my thoughts, phrases only certain people would know, my expectations and experiences, my let downs, mental abuse, etc. its all over the place just like the reality of this world, i dont hide from whats real the more you embrace whats really behind life and not pretend everything is all fine and dandy when its not, the more content you will be with everything around you and yourself i promise. anyways i was born in lansing michigan i’ve always lived there all my life. my dads a fuck head drug dealer and my mom doesnt care for me that much, she preferred the party life or “men” over her children and i just stopped trying to build relationships. i’ve lived with my grandparents all my life to be honest, they raised me because my mom was always in shitty situations and my dad was always beating her or doing some dumb shit so they thought it’d be best if i temporarily lived with them and i just kinda ended up living there my whole life because i would always refuse to go to my moms and yeah. yall dont care lmao. i started making music when i was 13, 14 maybe. thats when i was writing, recording and even making beats but i barely make beats anymore i suck. i wasnt always on my trash sound i started off making dark ass shit. i remember my first song i ever recorded was probably the most fucked up song i have like it was just stupid lol. but i moved on and started fuckin with old memphis shit, rapping and doing that. i had names like rez, jvstvn, i had bullshit ass names lol. and also i was screaming on some of the memphis beats to because i was starting to become addicted to punk and seeing that whole scene. i tried combining memphis shit and screaming shit but i said fuck that it dont go hard and i sounded fucking awful. my friend in 8th i remember showed me bones on soundcloud and i was fucking addicted, when he showed me bones i started fucking with all of sesh and i started finding all these new artists i never have heard before and all this dope ass music. from then on i knew what i wanted to do and still im going to continue to build my image and stay the child that i am while i can. now i combine all my torture and pain and yell it all out on a mic. i barely write music anymore my mind is so flustered i’ve just been saying my thoughts into the mic recently. im not going to be here long and im only here still to leave behind my trash.


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