Dark Beauty

Dark Beauty
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Dark Beauty



Dark Beauty Website: http://www.darkbeauty.com Submission: http://submit.darkbeauty.com - Mission - Dark Beauty Magazine - The avant-garde, high fashion magazine. Focusing on the passion and art of fashion though storytelling imagery. We are the leading contributors magazine for the artists. - Company Overview - We want to introduce you to a new way of thinking and a new concept for a fashion publication. Dark Beauty Magazine supports the designers and artist who have a lot to offer but are not always in the public eye. We are a contributors publication. We leave it up to the designers who feel they want to be in print and want to get their work in the eyes of many. Dark Beauty Magazine was started by Topher Adam who is also a designer by trade and a photographer. He decided that art is completely subjective and needed to be shared without having to have a major name or load of advertising behind it. He wanted to bring the passion back into the art and show the goods rather than sell you something that you didn’t want or choose to buy. So Dark Beauty Magazine was born. Here at Dark Beauty Magazine its important for us to find the unique and the edge and share that very passion with our readers. There is so much out there that gets shoved aside we feel its important to bring it out of the closet and show it off so its talked about, loved and adored so the designers and artist we bring out are in the public eye and selling their masterpieces. Leaving us to the real meat of this story. We only are what our contributors bring us. So, we need you, we need your designs and we need to have visionaries like yourself open to a new concept and share your work with the public in a dark and killer magazine as Dark Beauty Magazine. Without our contributors we are nothing. It takes a serious group of people with a single vision of creating to open the minds of many. We want to share your work with our readers and are hoping you are available to either send us product to shoot or submit an editorial to share with the world. If that doesn’t suit your needs then we still take a limited amount of advertising to still provide that special appeal for readers who would love your product. We are thrilled to have seen your work and are very excited to share it with our readership. Although we are an indi pub we are growing each day online, through our Facebook awareness and through our printed publications. Let us know how we can serve you and if you are open to sending us products to shoot and feature we are happy to abide by any requirements that we may be able to do. Thank you again, looking forward to hearing from you, Topher Adam Editor-in-Chief Dark Beauty Magazine


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Искусство и развлечения





937 подписчика

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