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China university of petroleum in Beijing(CUP)
China University of Petroleum-Beijing was founded in 1953 , is a 1st-tier national university of China and its mission is to prepare qualified engineers and technical service for the global oil industry through its quality education and research. It‘s development is still focusing on energy related fields, with the new outreach to sustainable and renewable energy technology and clean energy technology, deep-water technology, energy strategy and policy study, safety engineering technology, environmental engineering, and energy management. These pursuits are being approached through recruiting smart new professors and upgrading the whole academic staff, strengthening its traditional and potential new programs and internationalizing its education, research and management. The academic structure of the university: College of Geosciences, College of Petroleum Engineering, College of Chemical Engineering, College of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering, College of Geophysics and Information Engineering, College of Science, School of Business, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, Department of Foreign Languages, Department of Physical Education, School of Continuing Education, Chinese Language Center, Enhanced Oil Recovery Center. It offers 25 Bachelor’s, 49 Master’s, 32 PhD programs and one diploma program in Chinese Language Study. Among a staff body of 1234, 213 are full professors and 231 associate professors. The number of the registered degree students comes up to 12794, including 744 PhD students, 4633 postgraduate students, 6894 undergraduate students and 524 international students. One of the principles of the university has been to work closely with industry and international community. About 80% of the research projects of the university are sponsored by oil companies of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation (Sinopec), and China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC). International Office, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, 18 Fuxue Road, Changping, Beijing,China 102249 Tel:86-10-89731677 Fax:86-10-69700644
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