Catherine Ailesse's paitings

Catherine Ailesse's paitings
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Catherine Ailesse's paitings



I approach painting mindfully - what I produced has been fully thought out in advance. I love the Renaissance painters: I like their simple approach, which shows the model such as they are, sometimes with some embellishment, but without going in for hyper-realism. I try to be an invisible God-creator who breathes life into a portrait, and delicately reveals the model's soul. I would almost like the God-painter who has created the portrait to be forgotten. It is not MYSELF that I wish to put on show, although I would aspire to some recognition of the high quality of pain in my paintings. I do not wish to interpret the model's soul, as the "pixel" technique that I use requires enormous mastery, as just one "pixel" too many and the expression changes. This is my preferred technique as it is more discreet than hyper-realism, or those portraits that use big blocks of colour and wide brush lines. Large-format portraits generally adopt one of two approaches: either big, wide brush strokes, giving a vagueness that recedes when we stand back to look at the canvas, or that of hyper-realism, where all you can see is the nose coming out of the canvas! My technique for large-format portraits is quite unique! I am the only artist who paints large-format portraits with an approach that considers the final picture, without going in for hyper-realism. This is in fact the whole difficulty of large formats. Until now, artists have found only two ways of handling them: either through fuzziness or through hyper-realism. My technique allows my paintings to be placed in small spaces, and opens these spaces up thanks to their large format. And yet at the same time, the larger the space, the more the spectator can stand back, the more my paintings' "pixels" emerge, producing a hyper-realistic effect. Take the time to enlarge the details in my paintings and to examine them carefully, because my portraits, although they may be large in format (and they are of course better in real life than can be conveyed in a photo) are big shy people who do not brashly roar "Look at me!" or force themselves upon you. Just as there have been great musicians who have played incognito in the underground and people have not bothered to stop to listen to them, my paintings have a certain modesty about them: do take time to look at them with the attention they deserve.


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