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Polish Nationalism
Welcome to a VK page about Polish Nationalism, a movement born in the end of 19th Century. We survived Poland's partitions, coupes, two world wars and almost 50 years of communist occupation. The national idea still lives and will live until the death of the last Polish man. Without a parliamentary representation, our movement marches on today with more experience, more dynamic and more determination. On 11th November 2011 The All-Polish Youth (Młodzież Wszechpolska) and National-Radical Camp (Obóz Narodowo-Radykalny) organized the Independence March in Warsaw, which gathered more than 20 000 people: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zDBR-ikjIA Read about it here: http://niepodlegli.net/informations-in-english/ We would like to present our movement to comrades from other countries, as there isn't that much feedback about us available in English. We hope you will be able to find here interesting facts about nationalism in a country of almost 40 million people, in the heart of Europe. We
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