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Book series "Ukrainian Voices"
The book series “Ukrainian Voices” publishes English- and German-language monographs, edited volumes, document collections and anthologies of articles authored and composed by Ukrainian politicians, intellectuals, activists, officials, researchers, entrepreneurs, artists, and diplomats. The series’ aim is to introduce Western and other audiences to Ukrainian explorations and interpretations of historic and current domestic as well as international affairs. The purpose of these books is to make non-Ukrainian readers familiar with how some prominent Ukrainians approach, research and assess their country’s development and position in the world. The series was founded in 2019, is published by ibidem-Verlag in Stuttgart & Hannover, and distributed by, among others, Columbia University Press and Gazelle Book Services. Its volumes are collected by Andreas Umland, Dr. phil. (FU Berlin), Ph. D. (Cambridge), Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation in Kyiv. https://www.ibidem.eu/en/reihen/gesellschaft-politik/ukrainian-voices.html https://cup.columbia.edu/series/ukrainian-voices https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&authuser=5&user=0sAkibcAAAAJ https://www.facebook.com/Book-series-Ukrainian-Voices-410625836169708/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/2828019684187387/
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