Stop Islamisation Of Europe

Stop Islamisation Of Europe
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Stop Islamisation Of Europe



DONATIONS: Please pay on our account: IBAN: DK5193464580116774 BIC: SPNODK22 Stop Islamisation Of Europe – SIOE is an action group determined to prevent and reverse the implementation of sharia law in Europe. Islamisation is the process by which the supremacy of islam is taking place by whatever means muslims and their allies use. Unfortunately, muslims have many allies in the European establishment, in politics, religion and the judiciary. Muslim leaders use our own virtues of tolerance and freedom against us to establish islam’s own intolerance and oppression. Together with our own establishment they suppress our free speech and stealthily introduce sharia law. It is rapidly becoming a crime to criticise mohammed and islam. SIOE does not consider it a crime to criticise mohammed and islam; it considers it a duty. It is no accident that the least developed countries in the world are often islamic and the most prosperous are those which have made religion one of personal belief and established democracy as their political core. SIOE intends to keep Europe and the West the most prosperous and free part of the world and it will do this through action. Wherever islamism rears its ugly head SIOE will be there. Its members are undaunted by the criticism SIOE receives from all sides. The self-styled anti-fascists brand us right-wing fascist nationalists. The Nazis and fascists call us left-wing liberals. SIOE does not accept the concept of left-wing or right-wing. It believes in freedom and opposes totalitarianism whether it be Nazi. Communist, fascist or worst of all islam. SIOE has regular anti-islamist demonstrations and intends to up its activity in the future. Information will be published on this site. Unsurprisingly, this has made SIOE a target by the European establishment. SIOE is the only non-party organisation, and Anders Gravers the only individual, to be sued by Kurt Westergaard for using his famous Mohammed turban-bomb cartoon; both for a substantial sum of money. SO PLEASE JOIN AND /OR SUPPORT SIOE TO HELP SAFEGUARD YOUR FREEDOM


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