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ARKTOS was officially launched to the public on 1 May 2010. Since that time, we have published more than 50 titles in four languages and circulated them globally, both through our own Web site and through our distribution channels. Arktos has established itself as the principal publisher in English of the writings of the European “New Right” school of political thought (including original translations of works by its luminaries Alain de Benoist, Guillaume Faye and Pierre Krebs). We have also issued the first translations into English of the prominent Russian geopolitical thinker Alexander Dugin, who has served as an adviser to Vladimir Putin, as well as several works by the noted Italian traditionalist philosopher, Julius Evola. Our books have garnered praise from across the political spectrum, from the pages of The American Conservative to AdBusters. In April 2013, the noted paleoconservative magazine The American Conservative ran a praiseful review of our collection of essays by Prof. Paul Gottfried, one of the principal paleoconservative thinkers, entitled War and Democracy. Likewise, excerpts from our book by the Finnish radical ecologist, Pentti Linkola’s Can Life Prevail?, were included in issue 95 of the famed countercultural magazine AdBusters, which was published in May/June 2011, simultaneously with its first calls for what became the Occupy Wall Street movement. Arktos has also begun publishing works by members of the growing identitarian youth movement that has just recently arisen and begun flourishing throughout Europe. Arktos focuses primarily on works pertaining to politics and political philosophy, traditional spirituality and religion, history, philosophy, culture, and literature. We have done reprints, original translations and also published original works. To date we have reprinted several works by scholars of the famed “Conservative Revolutionary” school of the Weimar Republic, and published a collection of essays by Prof. Paul Gottfried, one of the principal members of the paleoconservative movement in the United States. Among our other authors is the American novelist Tito Perdue, who has been favorably reviewed in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Reader and The New England Review of Books; Porus Homi Havewala, a Parsi Indian author who is renowned throughout the global community of Zoroastrians for his novels based on their scriptures; and Steven J. Rosen, one of the most important voices in the academic study of Hinduism today. Arktos does not seek to propagate any specific ideology, system of beliefs or viewpoint, nor do we seek consistency. Rather, we want to provide a voice for individuals and viewpoints who are often overlooked by the mainstream, but who offer original and challenging alternatives to our prevailing culture that cannot be found elsewhere. We view ourselves as offering fodder for the minds of those who envision a world that is different from the one we inhabit today, but are uncertain of exactly what shape it will take. We leave it to the Fates to decide which of these seeds will bear fruit in the future. We are certain that you’ll find something in our diverse catalogue to whet your interest. Please feel free to contact us at with your suggestions or comments. --The ARKTOS Team


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