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The Anti left Front
Time to save Europe from Islamic colonisation, LGBTP-degeneracy and political correctness!
Hello there, fellow warriors! As you may know, the current world is facing many dangers. From LGBTP degeneracy and political correctness to the Islamic colonisation of the western world and dollar imperialism. The time has come to fight those who want to behead your mother, father, sisters, brothers, friends, teachers, loved ones etcetera, and those who want to turn your children into transsexual faggots. Freedom didn't fall from the sky. Freedom isn't obvious. For freedom, mothers gave their sons away. We shall cherish it and defend it with our lives, like our ancestors did. In most western countries, the government's course is decided by the will of its people. There are, however, too few people that vote for patriotic parties yearning for the saviour of Europe, and too many people voting for the people who want to Islamise the western world while promoting degeneracy and political correctness. But, all of that will change because of this page. This page is intended to show the truth to the people to convince them to do the right thing next elections.
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