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madmen, great anime, pretty girls, ballgames, beasts, straight girls with samurai tattoos, the impossible, bees in the snow, truth seekers, easy way avoiders, Raf Simonsy stuff, migration, dunking in traffic and hitting a trey in your MOUTH, flowers in the stone, gurus, fitness, Hayao Miyazake, Computer Arts Mag, choosers, paper bags, givers, murderers of ignorants, honest politics, simplicity, conscious complexity, contrarians, fit bottoms, Japan, Brazil, multi talented gods, Huffington Post, solitude, Acqua Di Parma, vanguard for humanity's sake, people who like to help other people, hanging out of my pants, humble enablers, knowing how to take your time without hesitation, putting interesting objects in the perfect places, people who are not men and are are nerds and viewers of tragic films with meaning, intuition, TED, smart people, loving people, caring people, sucking and f*cking and loving all over, grass that grows by itself, Spore, illegal mexican workers, ostrich bertas with alligator handles, and maybe... being pretentious?
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Весь мир может погрузиться в хаос, но нельзя поддаваться отчаянию. Верь в то, что Бог даст тебе все, чего тебе недостает!
— Ник Вуйчич
Тебе нужен мужчина, который поведёт тебя по пляжу, закрыв тебе глаза своей рукой. Чтобы ты открыла для себя, как твои ноги чувствуют песок. Который разбудит тебя на рассвете, чтобы поговорить с тобой, чтобы просто узнать, что ты скажешь. Я прав?
— Сбежавшая Невеста (Runaway Bride)
О себе
I'm the kind of person who does not believe in fundamental differences between people, I perceive our idiosyncrasies as creative and individualist variations on common goals and aspects we all share and are microcosms of evolutionary theory. We are related in that we are human animals; it is that the routes we take towards elation are what are most comfortable for us. We are in no way too individual to cohabitate. We should embrace our similarities and equally celebrate what makes each of us dissimilar. Fear is a contagious poison on progressivism. I have an incredible critical streak that, paired with incessant bluntness either makes me the type of company you will enjoy thoroughly or wish to pass on. I have no apologies for the latter, nor do I care to win anyone’s attention. I have an intense sensitivity to everything, but my values are not black and white; Though I also may not have time for gray areas. I overanalyze and I prefer that to ignorance. I am very outgoing, so if I'm shy around you, I will likely not be your friend in the future. It takes very little for me to cut ties with someone and I believe that friendship is earned and so easily demolished. I don’t believe that anyone is entitled and that we must learn, compete and express who we truly are in order to defeat the status quo.