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_____ киноиндустрия /кино /продюссирование
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_____ /bmth /cure /lukeskywalkerband
Любимые фильмы
The Room. Fightclub. Donnie Darko. Enemy. Moon. Se7en. Brick. Zodiac. Shutter Island. Frailty. Shame. Filth. In Bruges. Hesher. Twelve Monkeys. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Buried. Prisoners. Machinist. Triangle. The Lodger. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Killer Inside Me. American Psycho. Frequency (2000) Equilibrium. Gothika. Fishtank. Frank. Closer. Dead Poets Society. Arizona Dream. Notebook. Stand by Me. My Own Private Idaho. Choke. The Outsiders. The Master. Million Dollar Hotel. Eye of the Beholder. Titanic. Capote. Inherent Vice. Elle. The Big Lebowski. Talented Mr.Ripley. Studio 54. Gattaca. Sunshine (2007). Amadeus. Pandorum. Seven Samurai. Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Both=Swedish and Fincher's). Sleuth. Taxi driver. Silence of the Lambs. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Basketball Diaries. Point Break (1991). Matrix. Pianist. The Words . Bitter Moon. Ghost Writer (almost anything by Polanski) The Best Offer. Carnage. (almost anything by Woody Allen). Secret Window. Hard Candy. Across the Universe. 9. Star Wars. Blade Runner. I Love you Phillip Morris. Gladiator. Tideland. Fargo (both, show and film). Hollowman. Identity. High Fidelity. Sin City. X men. Watchmen. Spiderman 1, 2. Matchstickmen. Raising Arizona. Wall-e. Waiting. 1408. Solaris (Tarkovsky). Twilight Zone. Rare Window. North by Norhwest. Big Sleep (almost anything by Hitchcock). Dracula (1992). Bronson. Mad Max Fury Road. Drive. Half Nelson. Lars and the Real Girl. The Nice Guys. Stay. Fracture. Natural Born Killers. The Beach. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. The Soloist. Chef. The Departed. What's Eating Gilbert Grape. Mummy (1999). Meet Joe Black. Legends of the Fall. Cinderella Man. Shutter Island. The Ghost and the Darkness. Romeo and Juliet (1996). Shining. Snowpiercer. The Recruit. Seven Psychopats. Glengarry Glenn Ross. Sunset Blvd. Saving Mr. Banks. Enemy at the Gates. Atonement. Moonrise Kingdom. Dogma. True Romance. Brokeback Mountain. An American Werewolf in Paris (1997). American Beauty. The Words. Toy Story. Stretch. 3:10 to Uma. Phone Booth. Birdman. We Need to Talk About Kevin. Whiplash. Hunt for the Wilderpeople. Demolition. Lucky Number Slevin. Loitering With Intent. I Love You To Death. The Good, The Bad and Ugly. The 4th Floor. Four Rooms. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead. House of Sand and Fog. The Day the Earth Stood Still (jk). The Voices. (hilarious/original). Four Lions. Goonies. O Brother, Where Art Thou? Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy. A Fantastic Fear of Everything. Hot Fuzz. Ruby Sparks. Big (1988). 10 Things I Hate About You. 50/50. Enemy mine. Terminator. Powder Blue. Pulp Fiction. Mysterious Skin. Me and You and Everyone We Know. La cara oculta. Bridge to Terabithia. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. High Strung (1991). Stranger than Fiction. The Zookeeper's Wife. 10 Cloverfield Lane. Nocturnal Animals. Baby Driver. Ingrid Goes West. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri. Blade Runner 2049. A Ghost Story. Call Me By Your Name. Annihilation. Upgrade. Green Book
Любимые телешоу
Fleabag_____ Years and Years ___Dark (Netflix 2017) / Mindhunter / Legion (2017) / Mr.Robot / Walkingdead / Stranger Things / Black Mirror / Fargo / The IT Crowd / Workaholics / Friends / My Name Is Earl / Scrubs
Любимые книги
_____ too many to count
Любимые игры
_____ /chess
Любимые цитаты
человек – существо, которое устремлено к будущему и сознает, что оно проецирует себя в будущее. Человек – это прежде всего проект, который переживается субъективно, а не мох, не плесень и не цветная капуста. Ничто не существует до этого проекта, нет ничего на умопостигаемом небе, и человек станет таким, каков его проект бытия.

Жан-Поль Сартр

Сердце в плену не способно на шалости,
Если не хочешь потери — молчи.

Диана Арбенина

О себе
_____ Silently judging you for being basic.

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