Инна Taylor проживающая в городе Dennis Port, США. Родилась Инна 20 апреля. Родной город - Dennis Port.
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Студенты которые приезжают в США (Кэйп Код) на лето, подключайтесь: www. hellosummerj1.com Facebook group: Hello Summer 2013
Последнее посещение
3 мар в 3:09

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Dennis Port
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Личная информация

I am graduate student of University of Maryland (UMUC). Working on acquiring my MSM(in nonprofit)/MBA (dual degree). I am in a process of becoming professional in my calling. I am convinced that education will equipped me with tools in being effective in helping others. http://www.myspace.com/andrewtaylormusic Facebook: Inna Taylor Tweeter: Inna Taylor
I am someone totally dependent on the Lord Jesus Christ! I serve a God that is what I need him to be. My water when I am thirsty, my bread when I am hungry, my strength when I am weak. I need him to breathe, to love, to live. I feel his presence every second of my life. He is ALL I know and ALL I ever hope to know. I want others to see the Lord in me from the moment I wake up, to the moment I go to sleep, and everything in between. I want to be able to touch other people's lives through spreading the gospel, through worship and affection. I want to serve my Lord for the God he is and not for the blessings he has to offer! I want to learn to love him, just like he loves me! Unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. I want to learn to see through his eyes, be sensible to the voice of the Holy Spirit, forgive and love like him. I want to reach holiness, ( even if it means I need to fall a couple of times - like I already have - and by doing so, I was able to experience what God's mercy is really like- for that....I am forever grateful!). I want to be broken in pieces and molded into what God wants me to become. I want to be separated from all that this world has to offer. I WANT TO BE DIFFERENT! I want to meet all of God's expections! no, no, no, I NEED to exceed his expectations! I want to be ready like Samuel to say " HERE I AM LORD, USE ME AS YOU LIKE", I want to be a true worshipper like David, a missionary like Paul, have the Faith of Abrahaam, and be lovable like John. I want to die for myself daily, put all my desires aside to find what God has desired for me
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— Калорийность вашего обеда почти на 50% превышает суточную норму, а холестерина — в два раза. Это же вредно.
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Detroit: Become Human

Плохие вещи — не самое худшее, что может с нами случиться. Ничто — вот самая плохая вещь, которая может с нами произойти.

Ричард Бах

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Жизненная позиция

Политические предпочтения
in a Relationship with Jesus Christ. Религия - от человека мертва, живая вера в Бога необходима...
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