Ahmed Alsamet проживающий в городе Amstelveen, Нидерланды. Родной город - Amstelveen.
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28 друзей 33% (+9)

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20 сен в 23:22

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My ideas are always exaggerated. That's how I am. But, unlike other people, I try to make my exaggerated ideas come true. Believe me, there is nothing more beautiful in the world than a grand dream that's been turned into reality. I wish my life were just one single exaggerated dream :)
I like to read to much any thing about personalty development and any thing interested me ...... mmmmmm I think I like to take photos (while I don't have camera and hopeful that I will buy as soon) but I like photos .... also I like design photos very much ...... as I guess I am romantic gay because I really like slow music and those stuff and I like the red color with candles and to stay alone or with one that I love ..... I also love to meet many people with different nationality and to know more about them .....
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R&B‎, ‎POP‎
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Чара-хранители! (Shugo Chara!)

О себе
I usually find it strange to talk about myself… hummm what could I say?! I believe that it is much easier to let others talk about you rather than you do it yourself. Moreover, no matter what I say, you will never really know me throw Vkontakte. So, let me find something to say about myself. I could be funny, nice, adorable , or anything you could think about. However, you could always find someone better than me. But one thing you might not find it in anyone else is that I will always be there for you when you need me and will never leave YOU. You might also be interested to know that I have had my heart broken few times, but I believed I am stronger than that and was able to get over it. Now, I reached this point of my life where I am living happily and enjoying every bit of my life. I am a very sensitive person and have a very soft and kind heart. I love to joke around and make people laugh and see their smile even though I sometimes can not do the same and smile. However, I just like to be a reason for brightening up others days. I like to only be me ! simply I am a guy living his life! So, now u simply know what to do to know more about me .. just click on add as a friend ;). Be nice to me, I will be extra nice to you. This is me and this is my life, if we become friends you will for sure know more about me and how COOL I am!!(o-~)LoL=) This is what I think and you do not have to like it but you must accept it. And at any time you feel like you need to know something about me just feel free to ask me

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