Fred-Alexis Aupoint проживающий в городе Perpignan, Франция. Родился Fred-Alexis 28 ноября 1982. Родной город - Perpignan. Сегодня Fred-Alexis 42 года.
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digital soldier, truthseeker, starseed, 5D ascension, spirituality, healthy lifestyle, sport nerd, travelling and always learning, knowledge
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25 янв в 4:57

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Welcome to Perpignan, the most powerful and energetic place in France!!! Why? There is the hot spring valley, many hot springs for free in nature, I can show you there, especially to light workers and starseeds, there are forests everywhere, sun all year round without chemtrails, with many solar ovens (Odeillo, Mont-Louis, Sorède), the water is very powerful, not only in hot springs, but also lakes, rivers, canyons and the sea. Life and power of nature is perfect around here :) Welcome! I brought 20 people so far at the hot springs valley :)
digital soldier, truth seeker, star seed, 5D ascension, spirituality, healthy lifestyle, sport nerd (former football and table tennis national player, lots of outdoor sports too and sports for lifestyle: running, swimming, cycling, yoga, workout), travelling and always learning, knowledge, nature and landscapes, hot springs and hammam/sauna, massages, therapies, CouchSurfing Nomadic Ambassador, always worked in tourism, speaking fluently French English and Spanish, some Chinese too (1500 words)
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I love music, too many different kinds. I'm happy to listen to music together and share our playlists. I have a long playlist. It's too long to describe... I like so different styles like Deadmau5, Enya, Lana Del Rey, Xavier Rudd, Ousanousava, Vanessa Da Mata, Yann Tiersen, Moby, Coldplay, Les Choristes, Indochine, Christine and the Queens. Lately, the discovery is the Hungry Music label and else ( Worakls, N'to, Joachim Pastor: kind of electro-lounge or melodic techno, mixing the slow and fast together, the low and high pitch together). If I have to go for a single artist that makes me have a lump in my throat and warmly cry, this is Jon Henrik Fjällgren (Daniel's Joik and My Home Is My Heart) - Winner of You Got Talent Sweden 2014 I love the songs from INDOCHINE best French group (pop rock new wave) and CHRISTINE AND THE QUEENS I also love the Theremin quantum wave instrument, for instance performed in this song by a Russian lady: Katica Illényi & Győr Philharmonic Orchestra: Ennio Morricone - Once Upon a Time in the West
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Books... well I read a lot Wikipedia, Wikitravel, I love EyeWitness DK Travel Guides that I collect, I read lots of articles, it's all about knowing and understanding better and better the diversity of the world and Universe :). And I like to watch documentaries on and If I have to choose a couple of my favourite authors: Amélie Nothomb for humour, Danielle Steel for love stories, Dean Koontz for horror, Agatha Christie for investigation, Philip K. Dick for sci-fi, Stephen King for fantastic. I also collect a high amount of PDF books about nutrition, health, spirituality, buddhism, hidden History, hidden knowledge, ... I also collect important video links from alternative video websites (Odysee, Rumble, Bitchute, Brighteon, ...). I especially love to listen to people like Frank Hatem (metaphysics of the Universe), Mathias De Stefano (Indigo child remembering past lives including Atlantis including his 4 seasons of his serie Initiation: Travel to the Origins of the Universe), Coluche (the best and most famous French humorist of all times who was killed when he was about to become president of the country), Dr Henri Joyeux (the best French doctor on natural medicine), Dr Joe Dispenza (neuroscientist and lecturer), Nyla Nguyen (spiritual and awakening guide), Michael Salla (exopolitics), Roch Saüquere (a sort of French David Icke), Sam the Illusionist (6D Pleiadian channellings while in hypnosis trance and delivering mesages through throat chakra), Stéphanie Fabijenna (starseed and awakening guide), Mike Adams ("Health Ranger, " outspoken consumer health advocate, award-winning investigative journalist, internet activist and science lab director, founder and editor of, the internet's most-trafficked natural health news website, also created Brigtheon video channel), Paul Joseph Watson (British hilarious youtuber decrypting and depicting the corruption around, never at a loss of words), AMMA (Indian spreading Love, Embracing the world), Gaia (largest online resource of consciousness-expanding videos, over 8000 informative and enlightening films, I choose Gaia over Netflix), ... The list goes on and on. For instance, when Frank Hatem explains what is the spirituality, he says that it is a relation to matter which seeks to be as perfect as possible, it is the yoga of the mind, it is the fact of seeking this harmonious relation with everything (beings, forms, ...), balance, harmony, yin and yang (consciousness and Love), meditation and full awareness of the present moment, of being in action and present to what we are doing. To the question, how do you give Love, he answers, understanding that the other is yourself, knowledge is always a source of Love, Love is not always a source of knowledge. To understand that someone else is yourself is to begin to love them. Everything is self but I don't spontaneously feel that I am one with the ducks. Or one with the bread that's there. Or one with the policeman who put a ticket on my car. I can tell myself that he is another, he is mean, he imposes himself on me, ... But once I understand that he is me, this relationship will calm down. Empathy, altruism, Jnanayoga (the immediate and instant understanding of oneself and the Universe, the path of knowledge/self-realisation), this has immediate consequences that go far beyond tolerance or acceptance. It is the opening to unconditional love. Franck Hatem also says the 1st dimension/density is mineral. The 2nd density is vegetal and made of minerals (grows with the sun energy). The 3rd density (animals) is emotional and made of minerals and vegetal. We, as humans, are mental beings made of minerals and vegetals, we are one of the whole, trying to reach infinite love 4th density) towards supramental consciousness (5th dimension) in order to become angels and archangels (with more and more light and speed), which then become planets, solar systems, galaxies, HyperCube, Universe, the whole (Univers in French, Anagramme for Vers L'Uni - Towards United). The more we grow, the less we are, to become one. Think about it. When Matías De Stefano tells us about dimensions (picture about the geometry of dimensions available on my main image folder): 1D: Pure Light & Consciousness. Objective: to be the sole and pure consciousness of creation 2D: Polarities & Vibrations. Objective: to create time and space through a diversity of frequencies 3D: The diversity of "space". Objective: to experience and master our personal diversity of spaces 4D: Mastering "time". Objective: to experience and master our personal diversity of time lines 5D: Full integration of 3D and 4D. Objective: to understand all the incarnations of the 3rd and 4th dimension 6D: Creation of universes and realities. Objective: learn to create entire universes 7D: Illumination & Paradise. Objective: guide and create all universes and re
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