Duško Velkovski. Родился Duško 28 сентября.
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Multi-Awarded International Investigative Journalist - IFJ - International Federation of Journalists (Homeless since September 2, 2019)
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DONATE: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/DVelkovski Serbian and English: Beskućnik od 2. septembra 2019. jer me je država Srbija izbacila golog i bosog na ulicu, veoma brutalno i bizarno, kao u Pojasu Gaze, APSOLUTNO nezakonito oduzevši mi sva sredstva za rad, lične stvari i sve što sam ikada imao i sticao od najranijeg detinjstva, uključujući i slike i pokojnih roditelja, SVU garderobu, SVE knjige i udžbenike, KOMPLETNU redakciju sa opremom, lična dokumenta, bankovne kartice, diplome, sertifikate, svedočanstva, zahvalnice, nagrade, poklone i SVE lične stvari i kompletnu dokumentaciju kao i SVE projekte na kojima sam godinama mukotrpno radio. Sve gore pomenuto mimo zakona, pozitivnih propisa, domaćih i međunarodnih čijih je Konvencija - Evropska konvencija o ljudskim pravima i Deklaracija - Univerzalna Deklaracija UN i Srbija potpisnik. Šestu godinu vodim pravnu bitku pred korumpiranim sudovima i institucijama Srbije gde se kraj ni ne nazire jer je Kafkin Proces tek crtani film. Dve Tužbe pred Višim sudom kao prvostepenim, Ustavna Žalba, predstavka Kancelariji za Ljudska i manjinska prava, predstavka Ministarstvu pravde, nebrojeno Žalbi i Prigovora na koje nikada nije stigao nijedan odgovor, ostalo ovde nenavedeno. * English: Homeless since September 2, 2019, because the state of Serbia threw me out naked and barefoot on the street, very brutally and bizarrely, like in the Gaza Strip, ABSOLUTELY illegally taking away all the funds for work, personal belongings, and everything I ever had and acquired from my earliest childhood, including photos of my deceased parents, ALL wardrobe, ALL books and textbooks, a COMPLETE redaction with equipment, personal documents, bank cards, diplomas, certificates, testimonials, certificates of appreciation, awards, gifts and ALL personal belongings and complete documentation as well as ALL projects that I have worked hard on for years. All this mentioned above is against the law, and positive regulations, both domestic and international, which Conventions - European Convention on Human Rights (with additional protocols) & Declaration - Universal Declaration of the UN Serbia is a signatory also. For the last six years, I have been fighting a legal law battle with the corrupt courts and institutions of Serbia, and there is no end in sight because Kafka's Process is just a cartoon. Two Lawsuits on the High Court as a first instance, a Constitutional Appeal, a petition to the Office for Human and Minority Rights, a petition to the Ministry of Justice, countless Complaints and Objections to which no response was ever received, the rest is not listed here.
Investigation, Journalism, Digital Strategy & Brand Development, Advanced SEO - Search Engine Optimization - All net platforms included - own project (7+ years) See more: https://www.globalmediaplanet.com/, Design, Graphic design, Web design, Video edition, Video maker, Movie maker, More ... If the competition is ahead of you in the search engine, it's meaning they are doing something you are not doing... ...and I can help you with that! Duško Velkovski with ❤️ https://www.globalmediaplanet.com/
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