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Петербург — сложный город. Сложный, но мой. Город гранита, набережных, дождей, белых ночей, морозной зимы и прохладного лета. Город, с которым либо есть отношения, либо нет. Третьего не дано. Здесь я, как дома. Наверное, это любовь.
— Автор неизвестен
О себе
Oh yes, Potemkin from Guilty Gear, good times on being lousy with him in Guilty Gear Accent Core Plus for PS2. Its nice to see more fan art of the footy kind for obscure characters, which you constantly try to get a grab at when you can (including scalies). The perspective certainly is nice, as the sheer size of the foot makes it look like he is really about to have one of his bare toes seeping out from my screen to plant on me underneath them. There is a sense of scale here, with how puny the viewer is compared to him, as we look up at our impending stompage. Just tell the announcer to prepare to say "Destroyed." I know this bit was probably very tedious for you to do, but I admire the dedication you committed in making sure his foot had the detail of all of the 'decorations' on the sole. Each individual line, not in perfect alighnment makes it more natural as I can notice all the twists, turns, and swirls across the incoming sole. And the inclusion of his toenails leaning over to greet my sight is much appreciated. Toenails aren't added nearly enough on the foot. Now..if you'll excuse me, I'll not be moving from this spot. (despite this not being colored, which is fine, its easy to imagine his pale sole, and chocolate brown skin tone colored over that incoming foot XD) Anyway, sorry for bothering ya with my comment.