Личная информация
1. Oberg PhotoGraphics • Art photographer - experimental and multimedia. With my own studio in Lund, Sweden. 2. The Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, TFF • I'm a peace and conflict researcher and peace studies professor - large academic production over decades and have worked on the ground in several conflicts around the world
The above plus life in general. Interested in the connections between politics and art. Interested in helping reduce all kinds of violence in our world - and exploring how art can help
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Хочу я память вытеснить
и думать о своём,
но всё же тянет видеться
и быть с тобой вдвоём.
Когда всё это кончится?!
Я мучаюсь опять —
и брать любовь не хочется,
и страшно потерять.
— Евгений Евтушенко
О себе
Born in Denmark, living in Sweden, not religious but a bit of a Gandhian agnostic. Art lover. Write a blog on photography and other art.
Joined vk on October 10, 2017