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Александр Подгаецкий проживающий в городе Луганск, Украина. Родился Александр 23 октября 1987. Родной город - Луганск. Сегодня Александра 36 лет.
871 друзей 27% (+235)
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Последнее посещение
22 мая в 13:37

Основная информация

Дата рождения
Родной город
Lugansk is in Ukraine in the east

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Личная информация

study at school ALL OF OUR SCHOOLS! School life - war and peace. ACADEMIC YEAR - ordeal. Physics lesson - 45 minutes on a barrel of gunpowder. DIARY - book of complaints and suggestions. Answer by the board - live from a noose around his neck. The waitress - The Thieving Magpie. CONTROL - Do not have 100 rubles, and the woman have 100 friends. In the dressing room - the Battle of Borodino. DINING - a lot of care - get a little. Student of the lesson - the sleeping beauty. PUPILS IN LESSONS - The Headless Horseman.
Sports and Vkontakte ALL OF OUR SCHOOLS! School life - war and peace. ACADEMIC YEAR - ordeal. Physics lesson - 45 minutes on a barrel of gunpowder. DIARY - book of complaints and suggestions. Answer by the board - live from a noose around his neck. The waitress - The Thieving Magpie. CONTROL - Do not have 100 rubles, and the woman have 100 friends. In the dressing room - the Battle of Borodino. DINING - a lot of care - get a little. Student of the lesson - the sleeping beauty. PUPILS IN LESSONS - The Headless Horseman.
Любимая музыка
50 cents, basta ALL OF OUR SCHOOLS! School life - war and peace. ACADEMIC YEAR - ordeal. Physics lesson - 45 minutes on a barrel of gunpowder. DIARY - book of complaints and suggestions. Answer by the board - live from a noose around his neck. The waitress - The Thieving Magpie. CONTROL - Do not have 100 rubles, and the woman have 100 friends. In the dressing room - the Battle of Borodino. DINING - a lot of care - get a little. Student of the lesson - the sleeping beauty. PUPILS IN LESSONS - The Headless Horseman.Sd
Любимые фильмы
matrix, x men, men in black, one home 1, 2, 3, 4, problem child 1, 2, 3ALL OF OUR SCHOOLS! School life - war and peace. ACADEMIC YEAR - ordeal. Physics lesson - 45 minutes on a barrel of gunpowder. DIARY - book of complaints and suggestions. Answer by the board - live from a noose around his neck. The waitress - The Thieving Magpie. CONTROL - Do not have 100 rubles, and the woman have 100 friends. In the dressing room - the Battle of Borodino. DINING - a lot of care - get a little. Student of the lesson - the sleeping beauty. PUPILS IN LESSONS - The Headless Horseman
Любимые телешоу
Evening quarter is a big difference, Give youth, Our RUSSIA, ALL OF OUR SCHOOLS! School life - war and peace. ACADEMIC YEAR - ordeal. Physics lesson - 45 minutes on a barrel of gunpowder. DIARY - book of complaints and suggestions. Answer by the board - live from a noose around his neck. The waitress - The Thieving Magpie. CONTROL - Do not have 100 rubles, and the woman have 100 friends. In the dressing room - the Battle of Borodino. DINING - a lot of care - get a little. Student of the lesson - the sleeping beauty. PUPILS IN LESSONS - The Headless Horseman
Любимые книги
Gingerbread ALL OF OUR SCHOOLS! School life - war and peace. ACADEMIC YEAR - ordeal. Physics lesson - 45 minutes on a barrel of gunpowder. DIARY - book of complaints and suggestions. Answer by the board - live from a noose around his neck. The waitress - The Thieving Magpie. CONTROL - Do not have 100 rubles, and the woman have 100 friends. In the dressing room - the Battle of Borodino. DINING - a lot of care - get a little. Student of the lesson - the sleeping beauty. PUPILS IN LESSONS - The Headless Horseman.
Любимые игры
FIFA 2009, pes 2010 ALL OF OUR SCHOOLS! School life - war and peace. ACADEMIC YEAR - ordeal. Physics lesson - 45 minutes on a barrel of gunpowder. DIARY - book of complaints and suggestions. Answer by the board - live from a noose around his neck. The waitress - The Thieving Magpie. CONTROL - Do not have 100 rubles, and the woman have 100 friends. In the dressing room - the Battle of Borodino. DINING - a lot of care - get a little. Student of the lesson - the sleeping beauty. PUPILS IN LESSONS - The Headless Horseman
Любимые цитаты
Ни одно общество, без сомнения, не может процветать и быть счастливым, если значительнейшая часть его членов бедна и несчастна. Да кроме того, простая справедливость требует, чтобы люди, которые кормят, одевают и строят жилища для всего народа, получали такую долю продуктов своего собственного труда, чтобы сами могли иметь сносную пищу, одежду и жилище.

Адам Смит

Никогда не бывает больших дел без больших трудностей.

Вольтер (Франсуа-Мари Аруэ)

О себе
am a positive man v

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