Личная информация
the state or quality of being active:
There was not much activity in the stock market today. He doesn't have enough physical activity in his life.
a specific deed, action, function, or sphere of action:
social activities.
work, especially in elementary grades at school, that involves direct experience by the student rather than textbook study.
energetic activity; animation; liveliness.
a use of energy or force; an active movement or operation.
normal mental or bodily power, function, or process.
Physical Chemistry. the capacity of a substance to react, corrected for the loss of creativity due to the interaction of its constituents.
the number of atoms of a radioactive substance that disintegrate per unit of time, usually expressed in curies.
an organizational unit or the function it performs.
study researches social works......
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Чтобы найти фундамент истины, мы не должны думать о том, каким мир должен или мог бы быть. Нашей задачей является понять – каким он был и какой он есть сейчас.
— Роман Хорошев
О себе
“I am... me. No matter what I say or do, I'm still me. That 's what Satozuki told me once. The things I feel, the things I do... Being a vampire, Being a man, being betrayed by my mother... when all those things come together, they make up "me." But none of these things taken separately. I'm just me.”