Личная информация
to disembowel people
knife fight, hand-to-hand fight, powerlifting, videorecording, kustom culture, hot rods, classic & retro cars, oldtime and antique, 80th harley & oldschool, motorcycles, graphics, science, AI & RT'Techics, architecture, ampir & stalinism, political history, ancient history, ancient languages and сustoms, mythology of slavs, mathematics, physics, hockey, baseball, aviation and rockets, military, engeneering, engine design, upgrading of weapons, high-tech, sci-fi, oldschool horror films, cinema history, vintage audio, hi-fi, golden era of audio and etc
Любимая музыка
david eugene edwards/steve austin/tool/forest ritual noise/wood crust/rind jazz/prison blues/south cemetery/death country/thrash'n'death
Любимые фильмы
The Town, Taxi Driver, Knockdown, The Blood Sport, Minnesota
Любимые телешоу
sons of guns
Любимые книги
скрыты или не указаны
Любимые игры
Bioshock, Half Life, Dead Space, Warhammer World, Dishonored, GOW, Darksiders, Fallout, RPG and STRY games
Любимые цитаты
Тоска моя, как страшный сон –
Я окружён со всех сторон.
Моментов светлых память
Меня до боли ранит.
— Nika Lenina
О себе
люблю искушать судьбу