Личная информация
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dancing, music and acting
Любимая музыка
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Любимые фильмы
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Любимые телешоу
Unfabulous, iCarly, Drake and Josh, etc
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О себе
i have Italian, Welsh, Russian, Armenian and Slavic roots.
i - left handed.
i always luv to sing. i took lessons when i was very young, 5 years, and then began to play the guitar. i was about 8 or 9 years old when I started to take lessons.
my sound is pop-rock, but i would like to add some personal style to their music. and i think a lot of the songs that i sing about relationships, suitable for people my age.
when i write, i always travel with someone in the car and the music, i record it when we have fun. so i hope you will like them, because i often write about relationships and luv, and about the things i do.
when I'm on stage, i luv to see all these people wearing clothing with the logo of iCarly that they make specifically for the concert... It's very cute! I luv when people are doing other things, such as posters or something special that catches the eye. I always carry this kind of stuff.
i like to sing "There Will Be Tears". it is a song that lends support to the girls, i Espenau her in the middle of the show, and people usually get up and dance. And i real luv medley. it's fun. all of these songs i always listen to on the radio, and i got them on my iPod. People always know these songs and sing them all the time!.