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My satellite is a nice place to live * For so bare is my heart, I can't hide * I'm in control, I'm in control, but you can't tell, you can't tell a soul * Flickan står på golvet fager som en ros * Can you see the storm getting closer now? Tell me how it feels being out there * Let's pretend we'll meet again Let's just, lets just pretend Pretend you're still... you're still my friend * Did you wake with a sigh and not a smile, did you? * Oh I'm shutting down, shutting down, shutting down my brain I feel it now, feel it now, this seductive pain * Sky breaks open, reality shatters Dusk hits the blades, and it's crystal clear: Nothing will ever be the same between us here The way you look at me changed and it hurts * She's a maniac, maniac on the floor And she's dancing like she's never danced before
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В частности, привилегией молодых является демонстрация своей взрослости прежде всего тем, что они ставят под сомнение смысл жизни.
— Виктор Франкл
О себе
Вгляделся в бездну посмотреть, а не вгляделась ли она, чтоб посмотреть, а не вгляделся ли я