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Veena Malik проживающая в городе Washington, D.C., США. Родилась Veena 26 февраля 1987. Родной город - Washington, D.C.. Сегодня Veena 37 лет.
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Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

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Washington, D.C.
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The Lux Style Award for the most Stylish Celebrity on the Red Carpet in the year 2007 Bolan award in the year 2007 for the best new face for the film Mohabbatan Saachiyan CM’s appreciation letter for her work in the SOS Children Village in Pakistan.
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Я прошла полмира и поняла: самые психически здоровые люди живут там, где информация передаётся из поколения в поколение. Например, в горах, где мне посчастливилось побывать, девочке не позволено выходить замуж, пока старшие женщины не научат ее самому важному: рукоделию, чтобы она всегда могла себя прокормить и уйти от мужа, если с ним плохо; лечению больных и погребению; подготовке к родам и рождению; умению принимать гостей; умению справлять праздники; навыку правильно вести хозяйство и распределять запасы.
Там женщина не терзает себя страхами «а что, если». Там для всего есть план действий, кладовая мудрости, к которой можно обратиться в любой момент.

Мария Фариса

— Ты любишь его?
— Я любила раньше.
— А меня?
— Я люблю... однажды.

Далласский клуб покупателей (Dallas Buyers Club)

О себе
A Fashion model ,Film actor, Reality Tv Star and Social worker Veena Malik Born in Rawalpindi on the 26th of February 1987 at the CMH Hospital, to Ali Malik, a Pakistani Army Major and his wife Zeenat Malik, she was the third child in a family of six sisters and one brother. Veena spent most of her childhood away from her parents in Punjab and was brought up by her paternal grandfather who was a well-known Zamindar (landlord) of Punjab and grandmother. The obvious independent streak in her personality could be largely attributed to her brought up at Punjab where she grew under a lot of freedom… almost to the extent of being pampered by her doting grandparents. All through her schooling, Veena stood out as one of the most bright and prominent students. It is here that the seed and the want to be recognized was sown. She not only excelled at academics but was also a fore runner in extracurricular activities and sports. She has been a basketball player through school and college. She also has the credit of winning a lot of laurels in literary activities such as debates, Quirat and Naat competitions. Veena moved back with her parents after the demise of her grandmother when she was in 7th standard. She felt a strange alienation at the Malik household owing to her staying away all these years. Though her parents visited her regularly at Punjab, her bonds were obviously stronger with her grandparents. It was all the more tougher for her to gel into the family because of all the siblings who, at those tender ages, could not readily come to terms with where this new child suddenly came to live with them sharing their personal spaces and their parents’ affection and attention. This was a stage in Veena’s life where she felt completely lonely and friendless. Also the strict, almost dictatorial atmosphere at home was very stifling for Veena and she started feeling strongly, the need to find her own voice amongst all this. Slowly Veena turned all this around with her bubbly charm and happy go lucky attitude. Today, her eldest sister and her brother are among her closest circle of family and near ones though she maintains more than a cordial relationship with the rest of her family.

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