Udaya Gammanpila проживающий в городе Melbourne, Австралия. Родился Udaya 6 февраля 1970. Родной город - Melbourne. Сегодня Udaya 55 лет.
14 фото 23% (+3)
37 друзей 27% (-10)

Фотографии 14

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Последнее посещение
12 янв в 13:34

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Любимая музыка
Sunil Edirisinghe, Nanda Malini, Victor Ratnayake, Lionel Ranwala
Любимые фильмы
3 Idiots Movie, Scissors (movie), Some Birds Can't Fly
Любимые телешоу
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Любимые книги
Confessions of an Economic Hitman, The life of mahatma gandhi, No Easy Walk to Freedom, The Da Vinci Code, What the Buddha Taught
Любимые игры
Chess, Squash, Badminton
Любимые цитаты
Умение жить – самая редкая вещь в мире. Большинство людей просто существует.

Оскар Уайльд

— Как же я буду без тебя?
— Ты забудешь меня... и это лето. Вернёшься к обычной жизни.
— А если я не хочу к ней возвращаться?
— Конечно хочешь. Это не всерьёз. Ты же не сможешь на зиму спрятать лето в банку.

Август (Elokuu)

О себе
My parents are retired school principals. My early education was at the Ginigathena Primary School. I passed the Grade 5 Scholarship Exam with marks high enough for me to be accepted by any of the top schools in Colombo. My parents chose D.S. Senanayake College whose motto is ‘Country before self!’ The main reason for this choice was the value they placed on the school’s reputation for discipline. Love for country above everything else was therefore ingrained in my being from a very early age, both by my parents and my school. My commitment to excelling in academic work did not detract from me pursuing other extra-curricular activities. I was involved in literary activities, especially drama, and cadeting. I have held posts of President and Secretary of several clubs and societies in the school. I scored the top marks in the island at the Advanced Level Examination in 1988 in the Commerce Stream and won a Government of Australia scholarship to continue my studies at Monash University, the foremost institution for higher studies in that country. In my fourth year I was given a lecturer post to teach second year undergraduates. My interest in politics, which began at the tender age of 10, saw me getting involved in political issues while in Australia. I played a key role in setting up an organization of foreign students and also worked with organizations such as Amnesty International. I was the founder of the Sri Lankan Association of Monash University at Caulfield Campus. It was around this time also that I developed a keen interest in environmental issues. I became involved in various activities related to protecting rainforests, popularizing organic agriculture and promoting alternative lifestyles. It was also at this time that I became a vegetarian, after listening to a professor who spoke about the adverse impact on that animal husbandry had on the environment. During this time I closely associated the Chief Incumbent of the Springvale Buddhist Viharaya, Ven. Gangodawila Soma Thero. From Ven. Soma, I learnt the virtue of remaining unperturbed by all manner of storms. I returned to Sri Lanka in 1994 and immediately took up a post of Management Trainee in the Australia-Lanka Group. The following year I was appointed as a Director of a public quoted company and in 1996 I was appointed the CEO of the Group. I was barely 26 at the time. I was also called to the Bar as an Attorney-at-Law around the same time.

Жизненная позиция

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