Robyna Choleton проживающая в городе Ventura, США. Родной город - Ventura.
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15 авг в 0:03

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Shrewsbury, Shropshire, UK

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Личная информация

Promulgating the truth, while there is still time to do so. "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32)
Restoration of truth as truth applies to Germany of the Third Reich, 1933 to 1945, and for the exoneration of its Führer, Adolf Hitler, from any wrongdoing domestically or internationally. The restoration of truth regarding Germany's Third Reich also means categorical repudiation of myths which have brainwashed most of Europe, the United States and the world in general. [One such myth and hoax of the 20th century is the so-called "Holocaust" wherein a hilariously-alleged but never proven six million German labor camp inmates of Jewish ethnicity were gassed to death]. LOL
Любимая музыка
Schlager music of Germany
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Любимые телешоу
'Do not watch, or have a TV. 'Not into Zionist-communist controlled "entertainment"
Любимые книги
The Holy Bible, KJV
Любимые игры
'Don't play games. 'No time to fiddle while "Rome" (i.e. the world) is burning
Любимые цитаты
Иногда такое бывает, что болит что то там внутри. Не сердце, не легкие, даже не желудок... но что-то там, что прям дышать тяжело... Наверное, душа...

Автор неизвестен

О себе
Personable, outgoing, friendly... Critical thinker; 9-11 truth advocate, and for the criminal convictions of all conspirators and perpetrators (not limited to American Zionists and Israeli Zionists) whom collaborated in that heinous crime, and obvious inside-job. Advocate for the abolition of: The Federal Reserve; the IRS; fiat currency; the fraudulent "loan" industry scam by the bankers; emergency war powers presidential courts (which is all of them). Advocate for the people recognizing the non-ratification of the 14th Amendment, and for the fact the federal government lacks supremacy over Citizens of the United States, which it has presumed based upon this fraud. The facts of non-ratification of the purported 14th Amendment may be found in the Congressional Record of June 13, 1967, on pages 15641 through 15646, as written by Louisiana Judge Leander Perez, and submitted by U.S. Rep. John Rarick (D-LA). The following purported amendments to the U.S. Constitution are NOT law, and never were the law. The so-called 14th Amendment is not law, for its non-ratification. The so-called 16th Amendment is not law, for its non-ratification. The so-called 17th Amendment is not law, for its non-ratification. A revealing outline on how the de facto United States is ruled today, about which no American was taught in school, is found in excerpts from Senate Report 93-549 (1973) to itemize the historical context of why America is enslaved. It's a must reading for any concerned American to understand the current tyranny of fascist and communist-run Amerika. See: A must-read guide of how to exercise sovereignty of the people is at: Hates: Scorners. Solomon the wisest man who ever lived (I Kgs. 3:12) said to cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out... strife and reproach shall cease (Prov. 22:10). Solomon also said that the scorner is an abomination to men (Prov. 24:9). A scorner is one who cannot accept correction, but in return offers derision and mockery. It is futile to try to reason with a scorner (Prov. 9:7-8). I am a naturally born eunuch (see Matt. 19:12) prenatally male, but having a feminine spirit. This condition is referred to as transgender, male-to-female (MtF). The existence of the transgender community is evidence that the spirit in man (Job 32:8) is very much gender-specific, i.e. either masculine or feminine, which difference will not alter among those in the resurrections, whether to the flesh or to the spirit. Yahushua the Messiah has a reason for creating eunuchs, and one of those reasons may center on how eunuchs will be treated by the majority of cisgender (i.e. gender/ sex-compatible) society, worldwide.

Жизненная позиция

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Главное в жизни
семья и дети
Главное в людях
доброта и честность
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