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Kent Speakman проживающий в городе Los Angeles, США. Родной город - Los Angeles.
56 фото 17% (+10)
153 друзей 38% (+58)

Фотографии 56

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Последнее посещение
28 июл в 3:36

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— Олег, помоги разобраться с местными реалиями, — сказала она.
— Да, что случилось? — спросил Олег.
— Вот там, в метрах двухстах, домик-укрытие, — указала она в сторону, — рядом пустой снегоход и около него бродит медведь. Есть вероятность, что медведь приехал на снегоходе, а сейчас просто разминается, потому что лапы затекли?
— Точно нет.
— Значит, в домике люди и медведь их блокируют.

Александр Ботников

Степень болезни человека зависит от количества его секретов.

Отчаянные домохозяйки (Desperate Housewives)

О себе
Speakman has found his niche in the middle of the convergent media universe. A passionate multi-platform producer & entrepreneur driven by innovation, he has become a digital media, technology, mobile and entertainment thought leader. Examiner.com has called him one of the most influential entrepreneurs in the entertainment industry and was honored as one of the iMedia top 10 Digital Marketers '11. Along with producing film, TV, ad campaigns and technology platforms, Kent writes for trade publications, speaks at conferences and film festivals as well as engaging in interviews with various media outlets. Kent holds over 50 film and television credits and is producing a strong pipeline of upcoming properties. He has recently taken on the role of COO & a partner in fameus, a new social network and job site to connect the entertainment industry. In 2010 he Co-Founded ENGAGEIA, which is an interactive, incubation and intelligence agency working with startups and established brands focusing on entertainment & celebrity clients. Kent has a wide & influential network having orchestrated a variety of film & technology projects spanning the globe. He leverages his connections to unite organizations with the right partners, connecting the dots to take projects from concept to completion, and building audience along the way. He is an award-winning digital marketing strategist, social media authority, speaker and internationally published writer. He has a track record of helping entertainment clients effectively navigate the world of online media, websites, blogs, communities, social networks, branded entertainment, virtual worlds, web and mobile applications. Kent has been acknowledged & quoted in best selling books on management, sale & business relationships and in 2013 wrote, produced and hosted the Docstoc series on Business Development. Kent believes that giving back is important and leverages his abilities to support the causes close to his heart. www.kentspeakman.com

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