Личная информация
actor, musician, singer...and vocational learning to play guitar and ride on a skate board)))
I love to play guitar, sing, dance, hanging out with friends but do not have time ... I love my job!)))
Любимая музыка
rap, rock, hip hop, and more)))
Любимые фильмы
Lemonade mouth, PrankStars, So Random, Pair Of King, dawn, Zeke and Luther, Jonas L.A., Southland, A small ghost, Bonnie Hunt Show, How to eat fried worms a lot of them but there is no time)))
Любимые телешоу
Zeke And Luther, I love to look at other actors but there is no time
Любимые книги
I love to read comics and science fiction is very interesting))))
Любимые игры
Go to your dream and it will come true
Любимые цитаты
Любовь взаимная, поверьте,
есть величайшее добро:
любимым быть, любить до смерти -
ценней, чем жемчуг, серебро.
Увидеть в женщине сумейте,
свою мечту, а не ребро!
— Эвелина Остоженская
О себе
American actor, rapper, singer, and songwriter. My first starring role - in the film "How to eat fried worms." Best known for her role in the TV series Luther Disney XD Zeke and Luther, the role of Wendell "Ouen" Gifford in the Disney Channel Original Movie Lemonade mouth and the role of the King in the TV series Pair of King. He also played a minor role in the Disney series Jonas LA as Deasy.
I love music very funny, very easy to cheer me and I did not mind a good laugh, I love good people ... and recently met with a beautiful girl))))