Michael Chapman проживающий в городе Camber, Великобритания. Родился Michael 28 июня. Родной город - Camber.
55 фото 28% (+15)
659 друзей 24% (-158)

Фотографии 55

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Peter Bič Project
Последнее посещение
8 окт в 5:31

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Родной город
Sandilands, Mablethorpe, Lincolnshire

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Личная информация

• The BCS Level 1 Certificate For IT Users (ECDL Part 1) • OCR Level 1 Certificate For IT Users (New CLAIT) • Professional Barperson´s Certificate • Intermediate Certificate In Food Safety • BIIAB Level 2 National Certificate For Licensees (On – Licence) (Personal Licence Qualification) • First Aid At Work Course • Food Hygiene, Basic Health & Safety • Interview Skills Course • The Retail Certificate Level One • City & Guilds 6760 Retail Level 1 • Price Increases And Reductions / Retail • Refunds And Returns / Retail • Enterprise Training
In my free spare time I enjoy travelling, reading, computers, sport, dancing, theatre, cinema and I like to listen to music. I also enjoy travelling both locally, nationally and internationally. I am new to Prague, I joined and go to the Amnesty International office and meet English-speaking people from around the world. Volunteers include Czechs, Español, Belgians, Americans and many other nationalities!. We meet people from around the world. Our usual activities include letter-writing, planning events, talking about life, listen to speakers, and watch documentaries and more. I go even though my Czech is not the best. I support and donate to the wildlife charity care for the Wild, Children Charity and the BBC Children in Need Appeals, raising money to help save tigers from extinction and giving children and families the chance of a better future who are most in need. I am delighted to help such worthwhile causes
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Уходящий день, увы, не остановишь -
Остаётся только прожить его достойно.

Муроо Сайсэй

Ни одной претензии. Ни одной.
Моя птица, кто смел ограничивать взмах твоего крыла?
Кто успел донести, что пока ты стремилась вверх,
Я тихонько по клеточке здесь гнила?
Ну, какие обиды? Что ты! Полнейший вздор!
Я же знаю, что там у тебя дела,
Что случись между нами любовь всерьёз -
Моя клетка на утро стала б тебе мала. Как ты пахнешь свободой! Меня пьянит!
Отчего ты растерянно злишься, я не пойму?
Почему, если боль свою спрячешь и замолчишь,
Виноватый поставит её же тебе в вину? Уже поздно. Рыжее яблоко катится над горой.
Моя мудрость истлеет около девяти.
Ночью каждая птица стремится к себе домой.
Я устала жалеть о тебе.

Катарина Султанова

О себе
I am an enthusiastic, hard working, reliable and honest team player, with good customer relation skills having learnt many life lessons from previous experiences. I look for ways to do things better because I am self motivated by being successful and achieving. I consider myself to be a well–presented, organised person. I am confident in my good ability to mix, communicate and get on with other people in general understanding other people’s point of view. I am trustworthy and have many qualities to offer and a desire to help others. I like to keep busy. I am keen to apply my skills and experiences to challenges. I have also worked as a volunteer assistant in my spare time, helping out with groups at a local Amnesty International Office. I made new friends and discovered interests and abilities I never knew I had!. Specialties:Track record with supervisory experience of supervising staff/ knowledge of stock taking, ordering and control working in Hospitality/Customer Service/Administration areas, including Shops and bars, Guest Care, reception and group leading in retail /bar/ customer service / catering / housekeeping environments. Rooster Footballers Pele, Maradona and Platini all wore the number 10 shirt. The number 10 is lucky in Chinese culture and The Rooster is the tenth Chinese Horoscope sign so there you go. The Rooster is not only meant to be fortunate but courageous, though they do have a tendency to want to be centre of attention and be self absorbed with those close to themselves. Nobody could fault them on The Roosters determined nature and its appetite to discover new places and meet new people. I am located in the South East of England where the grass is green and the rain is plentiful. I love it here.

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Почта для жалоб: jaredgeharrmerlesch@gmail.com (удаляем страницы по первому запросу!)

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