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О себе
Oh yeah, , i have a bad vocabulary book in my little head. I'm not afraid to say it on here, a video,, to someone, but fuck is my favorite word. I hate the word cunt. It pisses me off more than anything in the world. If you ever want to piss me off just call me a cunt. I'll trip a lid on you. Another favorite word, would be, nigga. Don't get on me about that because I over use Nigga, just to be honest. Oh yeah and friiiiend if you use the word pussy wrong, I'll probably cut you. Oh yeah, September 1rd is the day I was born. My mom is better than yours. My dad pisses me off a lot, but you know...we are friends at the end of the day. . :) I'm a happy person. I want a bunch of children. Not really fuck that haha. I want two kids, a boy and a girl. . :) It's my dream to make it around the world in 80 days. Pull some Jackie Chan shit. I have a huge heart. I love animals. I'm the biggest charity worker you'll ever find. I wish I could just sink my entire life into it. I call people boo, babe, baby, boobear, sweetie, sweetcheeks, and a bunch of other close names. So don't get surprised if I call you that. When I work, I work hard. I hate slackers. I work harder than most. I get so focused the world just blanks out.