Личная информация
Voluteering, helping the children, donating blood, Peace Corps, World Vision, Human rights, the whole nine yards!
Running, movies, reading, travel, road trips, friends, family, work, money, 'Nel, fun fun...
Любимая музыка
All music: Salsa, hip-hip, R&B. rap, reggeaton, cumbia, Mexican, alternative, soft rock... anything soft to my hears.
Любимые фильмы
Air Force One, Red Dawn, Red Heat, 13 Days, The Russia House, GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies, Rusia por detras...
Любимые телешоу
The Simpsons.
Любимые игры
The Game of Love.
Любимые цитаты
Путешествуя по Африке, Дюар отправил Липтону послание: «Здесь можно купить три жены за шесть фунтов чая „Липтон“. Почему бы тебе не приехать?». Липтон немедленно телеграфировал в ответ: «Высылаю образцы чая. Вышли образцы жен».
— Томас Роберт Дьюар
О себе
I'm very friendly. I'm so friendly I bring strangers to my house- well, not that friendly. I'm also a good person. Such a good person that I give away all of my money to people in need- well, I'm not that good of a person. I'm also very thoughtful- oh, what was I thinking when I chose to write that that! I'm also outgoing. So outgoing I haven't been to my house in 20 years- well, I'm not that outgoing.