Личная информация
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- Machine designing and automatization, Knowledge and it application to engineering tasks, Math-modeling, Linguistics and philology, Language evolution and their association with cognitive understanding of the surrounding environment from a science, psychoanalytical and philosophical aspect, Traveling to see other people's perspective, watch human behavior in different environments and analyse the development of the human psique, and it possibilities under differents conditions
Любимые фильмы
Sherlock Holmes, Scent of a woman, Ностальгия, Moonrise kingdom, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Good will hunting, Rocknrolla
Любимые телешоу
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Любимые книги
武士道, Théorie analytique des probabilités, Solaris, a hora da estrela, a pedagogia do oprimido, братья Карамазовы, игрок, Une saison en enfer, Le Mythe de Sisyphe, L’Étranger, Wissenschaft der Logik, The devil's Dictionary, Theaetetus, Apology (Plato), Wild animaals I have known, Rommel, Ecce Homo, Necronomicon, Eureka, Ghosts of Onix, Cryptum, Wie man mit dem Hammer philosophiert
О себе
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