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Старый — еще не исторический.
— Станислав Лем
А затем Кларисса исчезла. Сперва он даже не понял, чем отличается этот день от другого, а суть была в том, что нигде не видно было Клариссы. Лужайка была пуста, деревья пусты, улицы пусты. И, прежде чем он сообразил, чего ему не хватает, прежде чем он начал искать пропавшую, ему уже стало не по себе, подходя к метро, он был уже во власти смутной тревоги. Что-то случилось, нарушился какой-то порядок, к которому он привык. Правда, порядок этот был так прост и несложен и установился всего несколько дней тому назад, а все-таки…
— Рэй Брэдбери
О себе
On this page, Luca Valentin will present to you some insides about him and of course, some of the most important moments in his life. He was born in Brasov on 24 January 1986, in a beautiful family with two older brothers who took care of him over the course of his childhood.
Adolescence was a decisive period in his life, as he was looking for a area in which he could make performance. Hence, he played football in a small club in Brasov, then being a part of the basketball high-school team.
At the age of 17, Luca found his calling in Flair, and started taking it seriously. He had hundreds of shows world-wide, most notable and recent result, being the qualification at "Romanii au talent" final. He's a new star in Flair world, and his confidence and determination brought him in the center of attention of the public eye.
Flair bartending shortly became a form of art and a sport at the same time. He began practicing for 4 hours a day, every day, in order to be able to compete with the greatest bartenders in the whole world. The starting point of his career was a casino in Brasov, where he worked as a bartender.
He started investing time and money in trainings, slowly turning his passion into art. The words that best characterize him are: determination, perseverance, style, and originality.
not just a shooting star.