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Эй, подруга, выходи скорей во двор.
Я специально для тебя гитару припер.
Я сыграю для тебя на аккордах на блатных.
Ну а коль не выйдешь ты, то получишь под дых.
Возле дома твоего-о, возле дома твоего.
Возле дома твоего-а, возле дома твоего.
— Сектор газа
— Раньше ты была только моей.
— А сейчас?
— А сейчас я даже знать не хочу... Ну чья ты теперь? Чья?
— Я снова стала своей.
— Ринат Валиуллин
О себе
I was born to create and defend their own freedom! "We were born to constantly vary with the age, to a rapidly changing times. Meanwhile, keep head forward, develop, learn and pass on what they have learned. Confident appearance and resilient person. We are able to extreme vicissitudes circumstances can adapt . Life is full of unexpected twists that make all the winning you get out, if able to keep your faith. Born sense of humor you have to help you through difficult periods. Unexpected situations can easily invented yourself, do not fall into question, but also improvises. Keep the high degree of freedom to in life, nothing prevents the new opportunities. A master of words, great preachers, impressive special ability. You trust the people, and people have confidence in you. It strives to be a good person. Look for the meaning of things and try to detect the real meaning behind the phenomena. As long as I keep faith, while others are able to give my optimism. "