A..❤ G..❤ проживающая в городе Canada, США. Родилась A..❤ 24 марта 1997. Родной город - Canada. Сегодня A..❤ 27 лет.
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I like that I love, I love that I have you to continue to depend on others not, I want to love and life to create. And look at what all of this suddenly happened. I like to look and know what the truth is, and think: What is the meaning of life, but sometimes I go over the edge, and sometimes and I'm in love, but sometimes I forget about it. I like to sing, dance, write, and I like to do everything indiscriminately. I like to fly, I do not want to suffer, I do not want my heart was hurt. I live with no name, no meaning can not, I imagine a life without creativity can not be represented avlyayu, I want to love to give their all, and I give it, who do not understand. I like to be strong, sometimes I want to be weak, gentle cat, but still there is no smoke without fire, and a tiger suddenly become that baby. I want to be wise, to become adult, but at the same time not to lose freedom, I think I love the people, though there are in my life and freaks. Realize you that I sincerely love the people and from my heart I wish you all happiness, and anger in the heart I never Taya Although I'm told that sometimes in vain. How I want to shout to the whole world All of you to become better, to be proud of themselves always, and joy in the heart would burn bright ray! I want to marry for love, and never come out of convenience. I would like to once again wallow in love, although I got off mentally from the account, I wish that were together e those who for one another has been ordained by fate, I wish that there was no enemies, though without them we can not know is wrong. I want to love living so that it inspires your soul, and perhaps these here are the words you will protect the period of hope. How to look like in Thine eyes, O my homeland, my blue-eyed you Russia! What are you beautiful country, how delighted I am that I can once again gain power. I do not know what I'm talking to you, I told you all I'm here without distinction, but one I want to tell you, I shout, Live in truth, do not be at odds with itself ! I wish you love and beauty, sensual, cozy home, And let all be well in your life, I immediately flew for five minutes.
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