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О себе
Powers and abilities Force of the hero changed over the publication of comics about him. During the "Golden Age" of comic books, said that "unless the shell is able to pierce his skin, he can outrun a locomotive speed and jump a skyscraper." While the explanation abilities were quite "scientific" - ostensibly on Krypton gravity is stronger in a lot of time on Earth, with its weak attraction kriptontsy gain incredible power. But over time by the will of the authors of the ability of the hero became stronger and the unimaginable. In the 1980s, its power so increased, that he was able to "fly through a star do not notice it, fly faster than the speed of light is a thousand times and move the world." This is due to the peculiarities of bodies kriptontsev who are able to absorb the energy of sunlight, which gives them their incredible abilities. In modern continuity, his power reduced to its opponents were a real threat to the hero. Superman ability include: Invulnerability Superman superhuman body firmly. In the early comics, the bullets flew by him, not hurting, but the bursting shells could hurt him, but already in 1947 (Superman # 43) superhero survived the atomic explosion. In 1951 (Action Comics # 161) mentions that Superman's immunity to all diseases, poisons and toxins. In 1960 (Superman # 136) says that Superman does not age, and even potentially immortal. In 1965, comics say that a hero can go without oxygen indefinitely. Previously, it was explained by a particularly dense molecular structure of the body due to natural conditions on Krypton, and more recently as a kind of energetic aura that protects like his clothes. Now it is believed that nothing can hurt the body kriptontsa except kryptonite, magic, and particularly strong energy attacks. Also, Superman is still valid in light of the red stars. Superforce Superman is able to move large objects and to strike an incredible power. The strength of the character changed in the 1940s, he could lift cars and 1980th move planets with their orbits. In modern comics, explains why the items carried by Superman do not collapse under its own weight or as a result of movement on sverhskorostyah hero unconsciously around their telekinetic field. Flight Superman can fly, both in air and in space. Moreover, the first superhero was not able to fly, but only with super-speed running and jumping by hundreds of meters. Gradually, your speed, jumping height and length increased, while in 1943, Superman is not shown already flying. In 1945, his flight is faster than the speed of light. In today's reality comics DC, this is due to the mental control of an unknown gravitational particles, and presumably unconscious way. Sverhskorost Kriptonets can travel at speeds far exceeding the available man. Over time the rate of change, from a hundred miles an hour, to millions of kilometers per second, allowing it to travel back in time. It also gives him superhuman reflexes and reaction and. Supervynoslivost Superman is able to operate at the peak of their abilities indefinite long period of time, subject to recharge by solar energy. Theoretically, there is no need Superman to eat, drink, sleep or breathe, but he does so for psychological reasons. Superzrenie Not included in the initial set of capabilities superhero. "The X-ray" vision allows him to see through any object, except for lead and, of course, kryptonite. Although in the early comics, it was explained that the eyes of the son of Krypton really emit X-rays (he even lit the film in a comic book), but later because of the harmful effects of radiation on living organisms have decided to refuse this explanation. In the modern version of this explains the fact that a superhero able to capture neutrinos - fundamental particles, a large number of which pass through every moment of every cubic centimeter of matter, and despite the fact that ne

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