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Технология сама по себе является для человечества источником прогресса, но технология, умноженная на ненависть, ведет человечество к катастрофе.
— Симон Визенталь
Подача блюд — такое дело, которое не уступлю я никому! Того, что знаю. Да! Куда и что, и где!
— Труффальдино из Бергамо
О себе
The Russian language summer school courses will take place in the terms of:
* 02.07.2011 - 30.07.2011
* 30.07.2011 - 28.08.2011
At the beginning of the Russian language summer school, participants write a test, which determines their level of Russian language. Based on the results are divided into groups where they will achieve the greatest progress. Groups consist of 5-8 participants, or individually (depending on the participant's choice).
Groups are formed so they meet the requirements of all participants. Small groups are composed of 5-8 participants to guarantee efficiency in language learning. The main task of the course is to develop speech skills in Russian language.
The course includes:
* 28 academic hours per week (1a. h = 45 minutes), a group of 5-8 participants,
* luxury accommodation in double rooms on campus Udmurt State University, with a connection to the internet,
* lunch in the cafeteria Udmurt State University (Monday - Friday),
* unforgettable evening events on campus and in the city of Izhevsk,
* visits to monuments, museums, galleries and other places,
* organization of Russian cinema hours (8 h) and Russian national art (16 h),
* all necessary materials (books, photo-copies ...) necessary for learning Russian language,
* certificate of course completion,
* two-day stay in Moscow,
*plane ticket to Russia and back.
for closer information go to: