Gennady Promuskin проживающий в городе Санкт-Петербург, Россия. Родился Gennady 1 января 1937. Родной город - Санкт-Петербург. Сегодня Gennady 88 лет.
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I was not going to disclose myself due to my humbleness, well known in small circles. Moreover, I really think that distributing the "фотки" around the world is nothing less than polluting noosphere. Besides, at our advanced age, what is the point to look at our deteriorating bodies and faces? As we are rapidly approaching toward the end of our life cycle, "теряя волосы, зубы, глаголы, суффиксы...” and gaining all unwanted stuff, this pursuit of the time passed is rather a symptom of dementia. On the other hand, it may be a competition - who has preserved better, became wealthier, "achieved" more, etc.. Vanity fare... However, people continue pestering me. Alas, finally I have given in to pressure on the part of my ex-and-present compatriots. I admit my weakness (“Man is weak, devil is strong”). As you have noticed, I am using English with few inevitable Russian insertions. One can take it for snobbery (balonry!) - it has noting to do with it. First, my Russian is getting worse (I am not kidding) thanks to my living abroad for 19 years. I respect the Russian ("могучий и великий") language too much to dare polluting it with Americanisms. Secondly, my wife being an expert in Russian, is very sensitive to language errors even though she is not Russian herself.
I do not keep any secrets from her; she is aware of all my activities, including extracurricular ones. I do not want to upset her. I would rather tolerate errors in English than Russian. And last but not least: like Satmars use Hebrew only for worship, not in everyday life out of fear to desacralize it, so do I with Russian. Thus, to those who do not know English, I convey my deepest apologies… So here I am, 63 years old, have been living in New York since 1989. I pretty much owe the blessing of my emigration to my college classmate Виктории Дущиц-Коган-Клещатик, long live she and her beloved husband. Their wisdom, foresight, forethought and prudence are phenomenal! That’s why they are already in retirement. I work for NYCTA (New York City Transit Authority), simple the “Subway”. My official title is Car Inspector. It involves fixing subway cars, not detective work, although sometimes I have to perform investigations. I love my job. My favorite duty is under the car, i.e. in the pit. Over there I feel safe and secure. Yet, my previous job, Telephone Maintainer was even more fun. For two years I was roaming the NYCT infrastructure, including tunnels, bridges, elevated structures, and 468 subway stations. That job perfectly fit my inclination to adventures as well as my reclusive nature. My favorite was going to the tunnels, meeting homeless people, rats, ducking the trains and walking along the third rail with 600VDC. By the way, I have a lot of respect and even admiration for those freedom-loving creatures (see picture one of my friends). They can be really pleasant if you know how to treat them. You would be surprised how much we all could learn from observing a rat community. I would say even more: I became sort of a rat whisperer. Only in the tunnel I felt completely happy and content. Unfortunately, I was forced to move to Car Inspector position as my foot (old wound) started to bother me. As for my personal life, I am happily married. My current wife (4th, to be precise) is a professor of Russian Literature. She shares my passion for the underground. From time to time, usually on the weekends, when the traffic is easier, we take our gear (helmets, vests, safety boots, goggles, flashlights) and go under to explore new places. What a thrill!!!... If you ask me how I would like my life to end, I would say: only by a train rolled over. I am afraid you will not understand it. We live in a small but cozy rented basement in the Brighton Beach area of Brooklyn (see picture). It’s perfect for us. What else? I have two sons, one here, another in Russia. And now, the most important one. The person who I have recalled the most from my college years is the Great Bob Kontorovich. I am proud of being his contemporary. What a Man! I really admired him....We all were bathing in his halo. He even made me once regretful of not being a female. No doubt, if it were the case, I would have had the honor and pleasure to be more intimate with him… Having said that, I am still ashamed, after all these years, that I did not have courage to support him in his troubles with the Soviets. I am convinced that Communist Russia finally passed away thanks to heroes like him . Unfortunately, I do not know what has happened to him. Compared to a man of such a caliber, we all are a bunch of cowardly hypocritical pygmies… Oh, Bobby!!!…. Where are you??? Love all... Всем пигмейский привет
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— Звони, сын мой! Только поаккуратнее с колоколом...

Автор неизвестен

Лишь только Анджело вступил во управленье,
И все другим порядком потекло,
Пружины ржавые опять пришли в движенье,
Законы поднялись, хватая в когти зло,
На полных площадях, безмолвных от боязни,
По пятницам пошли разыгрываться казни,
И ухо стал себе почесывать народ
И говорить: «Эхе! да этот уж не тот».

Александр Сергеевич Пушкин

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Keystone Masonic Lodge No 2, Knights of Pythias, Esquire
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