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Karlagash Iskakova проживающая в городе Budapest, Венгрия. Родилась Karlagash 7 октября 1982. Родной город - Budapest. Сегодня Karlagash 41 год.
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Codrule cu râuri line, Vreme trece, vreme vine, Tu din tânăr precum eşti Tot mereu întinereşti.
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15 дек в 17:47

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И только через неделю я узнал некоторые подробности, вновь толкнувшие меня к сомнениям и новому, еще не испытанному страху. Да, кажется, это были наши – и нашей гранатой, пущенной из нашей пушки нашим солдатом, оторвало мне ноги. И никто не мог объяснить, как это случилось. Что-то произошло, что-то затемнило взоры, и два полка одной армии, стоя в версте один против другого, целый час взаимно истребляли друг друга, в полной уверенности, что имеют дело с неприятелем.

Леонид Николаевич Андреев

О себе
www.iskakova.eu - info: Karli Iskakova is a musician, singer, songwriter currently living in Budapest, Hungary. First multilingual folk-rock album "Lumina" was released in autumn of 2011 at Hangforrás studio, Budapest, with instrumental support of Mester-Lovas András and guitarist Hudák Tamás. This album in fact is emphasizing different styles, such as instrumental, folk, alternative, and has some bluesy moments. This album includes songs in Romanian, French, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Azerbaidjanian, Kazakh languages. This is an experimental collection from different times, connecting people, times, creating bridges in this world by music and also an attempt to support the multilingualism on the contemporary music stage. A very interesting release happened in 2012 - "Raza de speranța" song which became a part of international humanitarian "Ray of Hope" project by Songweavers TM. Songweavers website has released the third "Ray of hope" international world peace CD which includes musical reinditions of artists of the world on the "Ray of hope" poem written by Mr. Shimon Peres, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and President of Israel. This poem is a prayer for peace. "Raza de speranța" is a Romanian version of this poem, contribution made by Karli, recorded in Budapest, Hungary. Translation, music and performance by Karli Iskakova, recorded by Mester-Lovas András. "Ray of hope" CD is absolutely non-profit project, all the proceeds from CD sales are going to various peace charities, and to St. Jude children's hospital. This project is gaining more and more attention in the world. Karli is currently working on new songs, continuing the multilingual collection idea, experimenting with styles, paying attention to cultural heritage of people of the world, especially of Central and Eastern Europe, and introducing own creations, inspired by world music and poetry, and history. *** "The incredible Karli Iskakova as she brings so much grace & beauty with her own Romanian version to Ray of Hope. Karli is representing her wonderful country of Romania & appearing on Songweavers 3rd Ray of Hope CD. Songweavers.com has released our 3rd International "Ray of Hope" CD. Artists from around the world gathered to collaborate with President Shimon Peres on his extraordinary poetic words to "Ray of Hope that speak of prayers for Peace to the world. Thank you dearest Karli for giving a piece of your heart to the world of humanity & for helping the world unite for Peace through Songweavers Humanitarian World Peace project to Ray of Hope. Your version simply shines... " Lusia, Songweavers TM USA *** "In Budapest, Hungary lives a unique and talented recording artist… Her name is Karli Iskakova… The magic of expressing oneself in song, captured her heart at an early age… And so began her musical journey through life… And the tender notes of the acoustic guitar, touched her deeply… Karli is truly a “free spirit”… She has traveled extensively throughout the European continent, hitchhiking, playing music and discovering various cultures and people… From Northern Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Russia, and Eastern and Central Europe… And she has plans to settle in Poland among family members and friends … Karli is gifted with the ability to learn and speak multiple languages... Karli is brilliant in many areas of life. Her knowledge of European history is astounding… And she is passionate politically for well being of all people around planet Earth… Her music is personal and emotionally touching in every way… And her heart is most generous and tender… I am honored and humbled to have her as my dear friend…." tommie rose - recording artist, songwriter, producer Tennessee, USA

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